domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019




This municipality is very beautiful as well as having a place to hang out and the best university in the state of Mexico.

The "Sendero" square is the only place in this county of "Valle de Chalco Solidaridad" but it is quite good because it has a food area, an area to buy groceries, shops to buy clothes, recreational places to play video games and even cinema So you can come to spend it with your girlfriend, or with your friends and even your family.

The university "uaemex" is a place that is important in our county because it is the maximum house of studies of the state of Mexico. It is a great heritage that keeps a lot of culture.


Este municipio es muy hermoso, además de tener un lugar para pasar el rato y la mejor universidad del estado de México.

La plaza "Sendero" es el único lugar en este condado del "Valle de Chalco Solidaridad" pero es bastante bueno porque tiene un área de comida, un área para comprar comestibles, tiendas para comprar ropa, lugares recreativos para jugar videojuegos e incluso cine Para que pueda pasarlo con su novia, o con sus amigos e incluso con su familia.

La universidad "uaemex" es un lugar que es importante en nuestro condado porque es la máxima casa de estudios del estado de México. Es un gran patrimonio que mantiene mucha cultura.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


Computer engineering studies the development of automated systems and the use of programming languages; Likewise, it focuses on the analysis, design and use of hardware and software to achieve the implementation of the most advanced industrial, telematic and scientific applications.

It is the work area that focuses on the study of situations that can be automated through the use of computer systems and digital components, in order to determine the technical feasibility, operational convenience, economic feasibility and evaluation of existing alternatives to develop The most appropriate solution.

Computer engineering deals with the nature and characteristics of information, its structure and classification, its storage and recovery and the various processes to which it can be subjected in an automated way. He is also interested in the properties of the physical machines that perform these operations to produce efficient data processing systems. It deals with everything related to the use of digital computers.

Okay, now I'm going to show you 40 concepts of vocabulary of Computer engineering:

1- LOGIC: It is a sequence of operations performed by the hardware or software.
1.1- Hardware logic, These are the circuits and chips that perform the computer control operations.
1.2- Software logic or program logic, It is the sequence of instructions in a program.
2- ALGORITHM: Set of sentences / instructions in native language, which express the logic of a program.
2.1- QUALITATIVE ALGORITHM, Are those that solve a problem does not execute mathematical operations in the development of algorithm.
2.2- QUANTITATIVE ALGORITHM, They are those algorithms that execute numerical operations during their execution.
3 - FILE: They are a set of logical records.
4 - DATABASE: It is a collective storage of the data libraries that are required and organizations to cover their process requirements and information retrieval.
5 - BIT: (binary digit) a simple digit of a binary number (1 or 0)
in the computer.
6 - BYTE: Group of adjacent bits operated as a unit,
(groups of 8 bits).
7- BUFFERS: Buffer, a reserved portion of memory, which is used to store data while it is processed.
8- BASIC: (BEGINNERS ALL PURPUS SIMBOLIC INSTRUTION CODE), General purpose symbolic instruction language for beginners, is available in compiler mode and interpreter, the latter being the most popular for the circumstantial user and for the beginner programmer.
9- FLOW DIAGRAM: It is the graphic representation of a sequence of instructions of a program that executes a computer to obtain a certain result.
10- SOURCE CODE: Program in its original form, as written by the programmer, the source code is not directly executable by the computer, it must be converted into machine language through compilers, assemblers or interpreters.
11- FIELD: It is the space in the memory that is used to temporarily store data during the process. Its content varies during the execution of the program.
11.1- NUMERIC FIELD, which can only store values ​​(digits).
11.2- ALPHANUMERIC FIELD, which can store any character (digit, letter, special symbol).
12- COMPILER: Computer program that produces a machine language program, from a source program that is usually written by the programmer in a high level language.
13- INTERPRETER: Device or program that receives the sentences of a source program one by one, analyzes it and converts it into machine language if there are no errors in it. The list of program instructions can also be produced.
14- VARIABLE: In programming it is a structure that contains data and receives a unique name given by the programmer, keeps the data assigned to it until a new value is assigned or until the program ends.
15- CONSTANT: Value or set of characters that remain unchanged during program execution.
16- ACCUMULATOR: Field or variable used to carry a sum or account of different values.
17- DATA: The term we use to describe the signals with which the computer works is data; Although the words data and information are often used interchangeably, if there is an important difference between them. In a strict sense, data is the raw individual signals and without any meaning that computers manipulate to produce information.
18- HARDWARE: It is the tangible part of the computer.
19-SOFTWARE: A set of programs, documents, processing and routines associated with the operation of a computer system, that is, the intangible part of the computer.
20- INFORMATION: This is what is obtained from data processing, it is the final result.
21- PROGRAM: It is a collection of instructions that tell the computer what to do. A program is called software, therefore, program, software and instruction are synonyms.
22- SOURCE PROGRAM: Instruction written by the programmer in a programming language to present to the computer the process to be executed.
23- OBJECT PROGRAM: Instructions in machine language produced by the computer.
24- RAM MEMORY: (RADOM ACCESS MEMORY), random access memory whose content will remain present while the computer remains on.
25- ROM MEMORY: Read-only memory. Memory chip that only stores manufacturers instructions and data permanently.
26- REGISTRATION: It is a group of related fields that are used to store data about a topic (master record) or activity (transaction record).
27- PSEUDOCODIGO: Programming analysis tool. Counterfeit and abbreviated versions of the current computer instructions that are written in ordinary natural language.
28- SUBRUTINE: Program (set of instructions), which from another program can be called execution or can be said group of instructions that perform a specific function, such as a function or framework. A large subroutine is usually called * * MODULE * * or * * PROCEDURE * *, but all terms are used alternately.
29- FUNCTION: In programming, a routine that does a particular task. When the program passes control to a function, it performs the task and returns control to the next instruction I call.
30- ROUTINE: It is the set of instructions within the same program, which can be called execution from different parts of the same program.
31- INTERFACE: A connection and interaction between hardware, software and user, that is, as the platform or means of communication between user or program.
32- USER: Any individual who interacts with the computer at the application level. Programmers, operators and other technical personnel are not considered users when they work with the computer at a professional level.
33- PROGRAMMER: An individual who designs logic and writes the lines of code of a computer program.
34-APPLICATION PROGRAMMER: Individual who writes application programs in a user organization. Most programmers are application programmers.
35- SYSTEM PROGRAMMER: In the data processing department of a large organization, an expert technician in part or in all of the computer system software, such as the operating system, the network control program and the administration system Database. System programmers are responsible for the efficient performance of computer systems.
36- EMULATOR: it is a device that is built to work like another.
37- PILA: This is the set of hardware records or reserved amount of main memory used for arithmetic calculations or for monitoring internal operations. The batteries are used to track the sequence of routines that are called in a program.
38- PRIMARY STORAGE: The internal memory of the computer (RAM).
39- MACHINE CODE: in order for a program to run, it must be in the machine language of the computer that is running it.
40- EXECTABLE PROGRAM: Program files are often called executable programs, since, by typing their name or clicking on the icon that corresponds to them in a graphic environment, they get the computer to load and run, or execute the instructions of the file.